Tudors Place


Property Details

ID: 67531
Status: Available
Price: $744,000
Acres: 372
Price Per Acre: $2,000
Address: FM 1646
City, State: Swenson, Texas
County: Stonewall
Zip Code: 79539
Presented By: Travis Hawkins


Tudors Place is located just north of Swenson TX and is comprised of 372 acres along FM 1646. This property consists of Native and Improved pastures with roughly 32 acres that are generally planted into winter wheat for a winter food plot and another 40 acres that was previously planted in improved grass and used as a hay field. This ranch has various topography changes including big mesquite flats opening up to Soap berry motts mixed in with scattered shinnery oaks and a good amount of Hackberry trees. Strong native pastures and several different browse species of all types can be found around the Tudors place that are utilized by wildlife and livestock!



The native pastures are currently being grazed and are in good condition with Sideoats Grama, Hairy Grama, Buffalograss, Switchgrass, Sand dropseed, Viney Mesquite and some Arizona cottontop. The pastures have multiple species of native browse and cover including Ephedra,  Elbowbush, Hackberry, Mesquite, Soap berry, LoteBush and Shin oaks.



Hunting in this area can be exceptional and can produce ample hunting opportunities for whitetail deer, feral hogs, dove, quail, and turkey.

The ranch does not currently have any hunting leases in place and has only been hunted by the family and family friends.

This ranch neighbors some larger ranches allowing for better management opportunities on your current and future wildlife program.



The ranch has a rolling topography with roughly 40 ft of elevation changes across the ranch. The property has some unbelievably beautiful sunrises and sunsets! On a clear night the stars in this area are absolutely breathtaking to see in person!



The ranch has single phase electrical that is available on the property with two meters in place! There is a small set of cattle pens with three smaller sheds that are used for parking and equipment storage. The perimeter fences are in good to excellent condition around the property.



The ranch currently does not have a working water well but the current owners have multiple water troughs around the ranch that are used to water livestock and wildlife.

The property has one tank that is currently full at the time of this writing that will hold water for long periods of times with adequate rains.

The owners have a water trailer that they use during dry times to haul water to their camp and their livestock.



The sellers are negotiable on conveying some oil/gas minerals on the ranch but are not sure on the exact amount of owned minerals.

One of the sellers may retain a portion of their wind rights with the sale of the land.

Water & Solar rights will convey with the sale.

The ranch does not have any mineral leases in place or current production.



Some of the hunting equipment and blinds belong to sellers friends and will not convey with the sale.

Additional equipment, water trailers, and implements may be negotiable separately from the sale.


For more information contact:

Travis Hawkins



The information contained herein is believed to be true and correct. However, Agent/Keller Williams Realty does not give any warranty for its accuracy. It is the buyer or buyers agent responsibility to verify all information.

Buyer's agent must be identified on first contact & must accompany buying prospect on all showings to be allowed full participation. If this condition is not met, fee participation will be at the sole discretion of Keller Williams Realty ABTX-RE,llc.

Additional Details

Additional Info

Wildlife: Dove, Hogs, Quail, Small Game, Turkey, Whitetail Deer
Recreation: ATV Trails, Bird Watching, Equestrian Trails, Hunting
Rights: Mineral, Other, Water
Improvements: Shed
Travis Hawkins
Travis Hawkins

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