Edge Family Farms

New Listing

Property Details

ID: 75500
Status: New Listing
Price: $380,121
Acres: 181.01
Price Per Acre: $2,100
Address: Hwy 222 West
City, State: Knox City, Texas
County: Knox
Zip Code: 79529
Presented By: Travis Hawkins


The Edge family farm is located in the western portion of Knox County, TX and consists of ~181.01acres situated along State Highway 222 and CR 1450.

The farm has one water well, creek frontage, roughly 6 acres of native pastures and ~180 acres of cultivation!



The farm has one well that were used at one time to water row crops and a portion of the land that was in coastal many years ago. The well has been used as a cattle water source the past several years.

There is a rural coop water line that also runs through the property and could be accessed by the new owners if needed and approved!

Union Creek runs along a portion of the east boundary of the farm before leaving this property to eventually hit the Brazos river just a few miles from here. This creek will occasionally have some  running water after seasonal rains but does not run water year round.



The farm has been operated as a Dryland farm for the past several years and has been planted mainly in Winter Wheat for grazing, grain or hay production.

The farm has been operated by the same tenants for several years and has been maintained and kept in good condition!

The farm is leased on a cash basis amount that is paid annually.

The tenants are local producers and are wanting to keep renting the land if the new owners are interested in renting the land for farming.


Native Pastures:

The native pastures are mainly in areas where the creek traverses the property and consist of Large Bull mesquite, Willows, Soap berry, Hackberry and some salt cedar.

The pastures have several native grasses including buffalo grass, Arizona cotton top, vine mesquite, hooded windmill grass, sand drop & Canadian rye etc.

The topography across the land is generally flat to rolling and provides some great views across the land and neighboring area.



The sellers owned wind, water and solar rights on the property will convey with an acceptable offer



Further checking of the wells would be advised before any decision on water was made. Currently the farm is leased and planted in winter wheat.


For more information contact:

Travis Hawkins



The information contained herein is believed to be true and correct. However, Agent/Keller Williams Realty does not give any warranty for its accuracy. It is the buyer or buyers agent responsibility to verify all information.

Buyer's agent must be identified on first contact & must accompany buying prospect on all showings to be allowed full participation. If this condition is not met, fee participation will be at the sole discretion of Keller Williams Realty ABTX-RE,llc.

Travis Hawkins
Travis Hawkins

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