Vera 178 Farm

New Listing

Property Details

ID: 78022
Status: New Listing
Price: $400,705
Acres: 178.09
Price Per Acre: $2,250
Type: Farms
Address: hwy 82
City, State: Vera, Texas
County: Knox
Zip Code: 76380
Presented By: Travis Hawkins


The vera 178 farm is a productive dryland farm that is located in the eastern part of Knox county TX on Highway 82. This farm offers a great location with easy access to the land of HWY 82 or the caliche county road that boarders the East side of the land.



The property has been actively farmed by the same tenant for multiple years and is currently farmed as a no till farm that predominantly has been planted in winter wheat, hay grazer or used to graze gain cattle in the fall, winter & spring.



The farm has one water well that is currently used to supply water to livestock on the farm. This well is a good well that has been in operation as a reliable source of water for this land for many years.


The farm has roughly 5 acres of native and improved pastures that have big mature mesquite, hackberry and over 2 acres of established Pecan trees! The pasture would be an ideal spot to build your forever home or have a spot for a cabin to come and get out of the city for the weekend!
The current tenant pays a cash lease on the farm and has expressed interest in continuing to lease the land from the new owners! (Lease is active from July through July of each year)

The farm has ben well maintained by the current tenants and would make a great addition to anyone looking for an investment property!



The sellers will convey all the wind, water and solar rights to the buyers upon closing and funding.

The sellers are negotiable to conveying a partial mineral interest of the oil/gas with an acceptable offer.

(No current wind, solar or oil/gas leases in place at the time of this writing)


For more information contact:

Travis Hawkins



The information contained herein is believed to be true and correct. However, Agent/Keller Williams Realty does not give any warranty for its accuracy. It is the buyer or buyers agent responsibility to verify all information.

Buyer's agent must be identified on first contact & must accompany buying prospect on all showings to be allowed full participation. If this condition is not met, fee participation will be at the sole discretion of Keller Williams Realty ABTX-RE,llc.

Travis Hawkins
Travis Hawkins

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