We are pleased to have obtained the exclusive listing of this 160 acre tract in Cochran County.
This property is located roughly 23 miles South of Morton in Cochran County, just off 214 (West side of the highway).
This property is 160+/- acres of native grass, and would be able to run cattle or other livestock on it.
The soil found on this property is predominantly Yoakum-Plains-Nutivoli complex (roughly 88%). Slopes ranging from 1-12% are present on the property. Tokio loamy fine sand, as well as traces of Patricia and Amarillo loamy fine sands can also be found on the land.
The property is surrounded by barb wire fencing, equipped with both cedar posts and T-posts throughout. Per the seller, there is also a well on the Northeasten side of the property, although its condition and usability is unknown.
This property is listed at $800/acre, with a total asking price of $128,000.
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